The Perfect Host(2010)

Hypothetical Netflix Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

This movie has so many twists, you’d think M. Night Shamalayan had something to do with it. He does not.

After a bank robbery gone bad, a criminal (Clayne Crawford) cons his way into the home of David Hyde Pierce. Of course, things are not as they seem with David Hyde Pierce, as Clayne Crawford finds out once the dinner party begins.

Not gonna lie, I don’t want to spoil this movie for you guys. So much of what makes this flick work are the many turns and twists. You’ll think you have it figured out, but you won’t. I don’t know. Maybe you will. I don’t know your live. Point is, it keeps you guessing and that’s half the fun.

Big ups go out to David Hyde Pierce. He does a phenomenal job in this movie playing a multifaceted role. Big ups also go out to Nick Tomnay, the man who directed, edited, and wrote this film. He does a wonderful job of unfolding the story from all sides, at the same time, in a way that isn’t overwhelming, but instead goes off natural and flowing.

After multiple views (three times as of this writing), I can say that this movie does in fact offer a fair amount of rewatchablity. Not only is this a good movie to go back and draw lines of the plot together, it’s also a good movie to show a group.